
Ode to My Husband

I have to admit that right now the most annoying thing in my life is the smell of cigarette smoke that is rising from the condo below us. I am on the wonderful island of Maui in one of our great unearthed discoveries. The town we are in is called Honokowai. Out of the super developed areas of other parts of Maui it is mainly 30 year old condos on a little two lane street. However, the condos are perfect as they are direct oceanfront. There is also a grocery store, ABC store, and natural food/farmers market all within walking distance. We could easily (and with about one mil) see ourselves here for indefinite amounts of time. This will be our third night of being rocked to sleep by the sounds of the ocean crashing below. And all for an affordable price if you learn the word Kama'aina and can use it successfully without actually being a Kama'aina. Kama'aina means local and just by knowing the word, you can immediately get almost half off of anything related to tourism. Plus, this is probably the slowest week for tourism in Hawaii. Hence why we got married here two years ago and why I am writing this blog.
Dave and I got married November 1, 2005. It is an unbelievable two years later. We came to Maui not for our anniversary as much as for my mother in law who is visiting from New Orleans but we are celebrating all the same.
Whenever I take inventory of my life, there are lots of ways I can see that other people have done it better or where I could have improved my situation by having done it differently. I could be making X amount more dollars if I had chosen Y or I would look X times amount better if I had bought Y and on and on. What i am truly amazed at is that I am completely successful in love. Those that know me from pre Dave days, myself included, would never have thought this to be my current love reality. There are a lot of things I don't do well. My relationship with Dave isn't one of those things. But after having failed so miserably pre-Dave, sometimes I wonder, how has it worked so well this time?
Dave. Dave is the answer. He looks at me and tells me he loves me in a way I never thought I deserved...until he convinced me I did. He never does things just for himself but how it will benefit us both. Sometimes I wonder if others consider us co-dependent and/or antisocial. My single friends will ask me out to a girl's night. But I don't go most of the time because the bottom line is I would much rather spend time with my husband. That is how we make it. I work to keep him as the single most important part of my life. He does the same for me. Knowing that you are the center of someone's universe is so entirely awesome to me yet there are so many that feel they don't want or deserve this kind of love.
How could this be? And then I realize that they have never experienced it. They think they have, but they haven't. I wish I could inflict this feeling on everyone. When I see a friend or family member struggling to find love or make something work with the wrong person, I want to shout "let it go! It isn't right! It shouldn't be this hard!" I feel inadequate to give advice at times to those who are struggling because I almost feel guilty that I've got it so good....note I said almost.
I have only known Dave almost 4 years. When we look back at what we have done, the timeline is almost dizying. It is still hard to believe I found someone that wants to live the kind of life I lead. Not only does he want to live it but he is trying to find ways to improve it so we can do it more and on a larger scale.
So here is my gift to my husband but it really isn't a stretch. To you, in front of anyone who cares to read this, I want you to know how happy you make me, how much you have changed my life. I love waking up every day excited for where you will take me, what you will say and what you will do. You are my hero and my best friend. I love you times a million billion stars. Thank you for your smile, your heart, and for the two best years of my life. I can hardly wait to see what the next year brings.

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