
The 45-minute Rainbow

So I counted today and we have nine weeks left in Hawaii. We have two trips planned, one to Maui this weekend with Dave's mom who is coming to spend the weekend with us and another to the little island of Lanai during thanksgiving to camp on one of the world's top ranked beaches. It is run by Castle and Cook resorts so it is pretty shi-shi! Actually, I shouldn't say that as Shi-shi in pidgen mean Pee Pee. Everywhere else in the world it means fancy though so I am still gonna use it!
Anyway, I am going to keep it short today. Dave and I went for our long run on Friday morning. This week was a rest week for me on my training schedule (only 10 miles - ha!). We decided to adventure down Ala Moana blvd, the street we live on that if you follow long enough will take you from Waikiki to the airport. We found little back roads that took us from little oceanfront park to little ocean front park. It was so neat....and yes, to continue our study of the homeless in Hawaii, we found someone passed out next to a grocery cart filled with dog carriers at every park. Ah, feels like home.
Anyway, it was a partly cloudy morning in Honolulu which we love because it almost always means RAINBOWS. Usually we see a rainbow that will last from 2-3 minutes. Well, on this morning, the clouds were rolling in, dropping a little rain, or a polynesian blessing as we refer to it and the same rainbow was kept alive for 45 minutes. At times it went all the way across the sky, sometimes it was double, sometimes a partial, but it never disappeared. We felt it was for our eyes alone as the commuter traffic faces the other way. It seemed as if that rainbow was just for us. It was a truly enjoyable part of the run. One of our favorite moments on the islands.
So, no deep thoughts tonight. Just wanted to share our rainbow with you...hope it adds color to your day. Don't forget to look for them in your life! You never know when your 45 minute rainbow might appear.
Good night all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your mom says you should be getting to bed earlier!! And she wishes you many more rainbows!!