
Just blabbing

I usually figure out what I am going to blog about during my long runs. Last friday I ran 17 miles. It took me over 3 hours to do it. And I'll be darned, no real illuminating thoughts came out of that run. I was like Forrest Gump. I just kept running and running. I have my little friend the i-shuffle which is the size of a postage stamp and clips onto my shorts. It holds almost every song I own. I compare this to 4 years ago when I trained for the last marathon. I got one of them brand new MP3 players. It was four times the size of what I have now and held a whopping 12 songs. During a four hour run I could listen to "in da club" by Fifty Cent approximately 52 times. Go Karen, it's your birfday, we gonna party like it's your birfday. Technology is amazing though was my point. And what else is amazing is that I can waste ALL KINDS of time on a BLOG. You can waste time reading it. This is a concept that I never thought of until about two months ago. But I do like to blab (is that what a blog is? A blabbing log?) and make people laugh and wonder.
I plan to be a writer full time. I am not sure if I have ever mentioned that to all of my friends and family before. I want to travel the world, meet a lot of people, and write about it. People are fascinating. I truly believe that everyone has a story. People often hear my story and tell me how amazed they are that I lived through everything. Dave gets the same reaction. The truth is that although I am a truly fascinating person (insert sarcastic tone here) if everyone had the same life and same experiences, the world would be boring. I know we don't want too many of me walking around.
Flip! Change of subject. Jimmy Buffett rules. He is 61 years old and has been performing for over 40 years. What makes him truly an icon is that the man hasn't had a hit in 20years yet you know every one of his songs. He just continues to make millions off of songs from 20-30 years ago. We saw him in concert and it was a lot of fun.
Flip! Dave continues to work hard on his book promotion. He has decided to shift gears a little bit and not just share his story but seek out others who have a positive message and share their stories as well. We want to gain as many positive stories of survival as possible. In speaking with a patient I had for a long time who has cancer, what people really want is encouraging stories. To see how the website has changed and to add your story, visit www.agooddayanyway.com .
Flip! I love this beer. It's called Wailua Wheat and it has passionfruit in it and I will miss it when we leave. I know that until right at this moment, it was not obvious at all that I had been drinking a little!

Okay my friends, if you are out there and reading this, there are all of my thoughts. Surprisingly, it didn't take up as much space as I thought it would.
Until next time......

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