
Believe it and you can be it!

So, the following has come out of my thoughts from my 15 mile run last friday. First, it may sound conceited but isn't it amazing that I did a 15 mile run? I am getting there with my goal of a well run marathon. My training has been strong and this amazing fact dominates this blog.

Lately, I have been able to experience not only my own accomplishments but those of several other people in my life as they step out of their comfort zones and reach for what they believe. I will give you four examples.

One of my dear friends in Honolulu made a decision recently. This friend lost a bunch of weight a couple of years ago however hit a plateau. Now, this plateau included some major life events including evacuating for Katrina, losing her father to cancer, and losing her best friend in a tragic, unnecessary car jacking. This amazing woman came here as a traveler, looking for something different but not knowing what that was. In the process of looking she has found a great guy, a tropical wonderful place to be, and a working environment that she enjoys. But I think something was missing. Well, a couple of weeks ago, this girl took a stand. She probably doesn't even know it, but at some point she said to herself "there is more in me." My friend started running a week ago. I don't think she was too excited about it but she is determined to get the extra weight off of her. A week ago she could barely run for two minutes. Well, yesterday she ran a one mile race and was completely successful. She ran the whole way. Imagine what the future brings for her! She is already planning to run a 5K. This is a true example of an individual that can do anything they put their mind to. "I can't's" have been replaced with "I did's".
Example two: My husband. Wonderful, happy, supportive Dave. When I decided to run the marathon, Dave immediately became my trainer. He has organized and focalized my meals, my workouts, and my runs. He made a calender and has joined me in much of my training. His goal was to be able to run a half marathon (13.1 miles) by December. Well, Dave has to get a new goal because this one is insufficient. Dave ran 13 miles on Friday with me. He is way ahead of his goal. He has been amazed at how much he has been able to do. Let us not forget that Dave has only one lung. Makes you wonder if you could do it too, right?

Example three: I have another friend who recently decided to lose weight. This friend, different from the friend above, has a long past that she has dealt with emotionally and recently became available to deal with physically. This friend has a long hard road ahead of her. She has many lbs to lose but every bone in my body knows that she will be successful. Why do I know this? Because she believes she will be successful. She has gotten all her friends and family on board and has taken some steps that aren't easy to take. I am so proud of her and I know we will all be able to see her at the end when she is thin and fit.

My last example is myself. This is a hard example for me to believe in and others to see as anything but conceited. But one thing I am working on is confidence. I woke up on thursday night nervous. I do this almost every thursday night before my Friday morning runs. How will I do it? That is the thought that enters my brain every time. But guess what? I always do it. In the end, I know it is because I believe I can. Over and over again, I can see where if you believe you can do it, you will be able to do it. I have just started believing in myself. When you believe it, it's as if you place an order that is filled without you having to worry about how. Running those 15 miles was an amazing accomplishment for me. As hard as it is to believe, I loved it. The pain, the fatigue, and the rush. I loved it. Believe it and you can be it. I know this is true.

No matter what you are trying to accomplish....believe it and you can be it.

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