
Enough time?

I was talking with a friend recently, both on the phone and on email. During our talks, it came up that time was "whipping" by us for all that we want to do. I had to stop and wonder, do we have enough time? If I live to be a hundred and I am healthy for those years, will it be enough to accomplish all that I want to get out of life? Am I on par if my life is already a third over? Do other people have these thoughts? I mean, I have traveled extensively in the US (My toes have set foot in 43 states) and even traveled outside the country a little. But I want to go EVERYWHERE! Okay, maybe I could cross off the pleasure tour of Iraq and/or Afghanistan. Humanitarian voyages are on the list, such as building schools in Mexico or working in a clinic in Africa. Of course my fancier tastes could take the QE II around the globe (can If only I had 75K I didn't know what to do with!)

I have worked in 18 different places as an OT in under 6 years. I will never be that person that stays with one company her whole career. Couldn't be if I wanted to. But I wonder, what would that be like? Doing the same job every day my entire adult life. Is it rewarding or mindnumbing? I will never know as I get bored with a place after a couple of months. I also generally have major conflicts with the bureaucratic nightmares I usually walk into. And I am not even sure I know what Bureaucratic means!
Since I went to college, the longest I have lived in one place was a year and two months. Our average length of stay in a place is 6 months. That is over 11 years of moving every few months. Normal people don't do this, yet I find myself wanting to live in other places. I like traveling to a place and actually living there, finding out all of its secret nooks and crannies.
I have run a marathon and am training for another. I thought twice about doing a second one since I have already done one but running is fun for me because I can do it. The loss of vision in my eye limits me from tennis, volleyball, frisbee, basketball, etc. Maybe that is why I try to do so many other things.
Am I bragging here? I don't think so. I have gone through some near death experiences in my life with cancer when I was young and a car accident at age 18. Am I just making up for lost time? Will it ever be enough? Will I hit a level of doing new things where I will just say ENOUGH! and do one thing for the rest of my life? Will one thing come along that I will WANT to do for my remaining days?

At any rate, I am on to the next goals. Dave has written his book of poems and I have helped him with writing a second book about his survival with cancer (due out soon!). Personally, my own books are ready to bust out of me. My latest aspirations are to author a children's book that aims at helping kids cope with a classmate who has cancer and about my experiences with having a facial...how shall we call it...difference. That experience in itself is an experience that I have had for the last twelve years that I didn't ask for but I am not sorry it happened.
I guess life is long enough for us to choose our experiences and for some experiences to choose us. Trust me, eventually they will find you, if they haven't already.


Anonymous said...

Wow. So many questions, so little time.

Anonymous said...

That comment was from WOW