
Mt Vesuvius

In my teaser blog, I said that one thing I would be writing about was the amazingly ginormous boil that erupted on my chin last week. I named her Ida. You will soon find out why.
Now, it is important to know that I have never had great skin. As most of you know, I have battled with acne since about age 12. Unfortunately there is no connection between my acne problems and hygiene/cleanliness like it was as a teenager. Upon doing some digging into why big boyles from deep within well up on my chin(ALWAYS the chin now) for no apparent reason I found out some interesting stuff. I have tried every cleanser, toner, moisturizer, hydroculator, retinol, geritol, antibiotics, creams, gels, powders, pills. Nothing seems to touch it. What is becoming more apparent is that it is somehow hormone related (either too much or not enough of one of them) and the trend is growing for women in their thirties (do I have to be an early bloomer at this )? And to throw a little more crap on the pile of disheartening information, there is not a lot out there they can do for this type of acne. I can scrub my face all day long and it probably won't change.
One huge factor is stress. Bad stress brings 'em out in droves. Overall I have been pretty good at trying to minimize my level of bad stress...you know the kind where you don't eat, sleep, and get to where you obsess about something all the time.
Last week, I had bad stress. As much as I would like to blame someone else, it was my fault. However, I have learned from my mistake and now I can see that it is one big learning experience after another in this crazy world. You know....what NOT to do in the future.
The facility I currently work at here in tropical, carefree Hawaii (or so it seems) hired a new OT and she started at the beginning of November. Now, I will spare the details other than to say she COMPLETELY misrepresented herself and knows so little, it's scary. Supposedly she has been an OT for 30 years but, and I am not even joking, Dave knows more about OT than she does. Anyway, it becomes pretty clear that they want to get rid of her because they thought they had an experienced therapist joining their very small and overall inexperienced team (lets just say that I have been a traveler there for 8 months and I have been there the longest out of the inpatient OT's). The bottom line is they need to get rid of this person because not only did they pay here a 10K bonus, they moved all of her stuff out here too. Plus full benefits from day one. The bad part is that the only people who have any real qualifications to say whether or not she is competent is myself and the other traveler. I worked with her for five minutes and knew! Anyway, to keep it short, they asked me to take a lot of responsibility about whether this woman sinks or swims (and Jessica the other traveler too) and I bit....at first. But when Ida junior hit basketball size proportions on my chin and I was crying to Dave at a bar, I knew it was time to step down. Luckily, I stood up for myself and told them they needed to get someone else to do their dirty work and since then I have had very little to do with it. Ida Jr. went away, mostly, I slept over the holiday weekend and now my skin looks better than it has for a long time.
I don't blame anyone but myself for the stress but luckily I have turned it around and viewed it as a learning situation.
Okay, time for sleeping!

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