I ran 12 miles yesterday. Dave ran over 10 of them with me, his personal record for longest distance run. We woke up at 5:15 AM to complete the run. Our tiny little studio overlooks Fort DeRussy Park with Waikiki Beach as a backdrop and Diamond Head in the distance. I can look at Diamond Head from my side of the bed. At 5:15, the stars were still out as the city still slept....well, most of the city. 6 cop cars and an ambulance were present at the hostel next door....always some kind of action there. As we started out, we ran down Kalakaua Avenue which parallels Waikiki Beach and takes us by all of the famous Waikiki resorts. We ran through Kapi'olani Park toward the base of Diamond Head and came back down the Ala Wai Canal. As we turned down the Ala Wai, the sun began to peak out behind the Ko'olau Mountain Range. Our run took us down to Ala Moana Beach Park and Magic Island which has a three mile path that circles the park and yields some of the most majestic ocean views that Waikiki has to offer. We ran by a group of fisherman as well as a group of elderly Japanese doing their morning Tai Chi (no, not drinking Chai Tea). After circling Magic Island, we finished at Fort DeRussy Park. As we ran down Ala Moana Avenue, now 2 hours after we started the run, the city was awake and alive, the sky now brilliantly shining on another beautiful Hawaiian day. We had been able to share a tour of Waikiki before most people had their first cup of coffee. What an amazing gift.
So, you are probably thinking that's great but why???? Why run that long when the bus would take us on a similar tour for $2? Okay, so you have to ignore the homeless guy with his cardboard sign heading toward his daily spot of choice on the bus but still! Well, there are several reasons, actually. First, it feels amazing to be able to complete a run like that and still be able to down pancakes at the Wailana Coffee House (all you can eat!) while you work off your runner's high. However, more importantly, I have decided to run the Honolulu Marathon on December 9th. It is 4 days after my 30th birthday and the stars seemed to align on this one. I can train in the place where the marathon will take place, which also happens to be one of the most beautiful places on the planet. During my last marathon training, 4 1/2 years ago, I was in Colorado (also a beautiful place but is very BRRRRRRRRRR for half the year) waiting for it to warm up to 20 or 30 degrees so I could complete my long run without snot-cicles forming on my face. This time it's a little different! My reasons are personal. The benefits of training are many. Dave has tailored our meals and weight lifting workouts for marathon training and we are even doing yoga. The added (spiritual) experiences as described above are unexpected benefits that add to the whole process. I feel it is important to have a goal for your fitness/life/wellness. I just completed my fourth week of training and already the changes are amazing. I sleep like a log, eat heartily, and work out 5-6 days a week. I have also found that I am someone who needs a certain amount of structure to my workouts. I like following a calender and having it decided for me what my exercise will be for the day. Before I started marathon training, Dave and I still worked out 4-5 times a week but we didn't have focus. If you find you are feeling the same way, I urge you to pick a goal and stick with it. It doesn't have to be a marathon because I know that is not on the top of everyone's list but there are a lot of different events you can train for. To quote W, it's all about benchmarks! =-)
I have started this blog as a journal of my journey through the marathon training process but also about our everyday lives. I feel that Dave and I lead a different life than most and we do a lot of new and interesting things. So, this serves as a journal to keep you all afloat of the latest and greatest in our lives--hopefully that doesn't sound too bold. Our biggest news is that we will now be Honolulu through December 29th. We are truly enjoying our time here and can't seem to pass up the opportunity to extend our time here.
My friend Chris, who was recently here for a visit started a blog (she is a traveling OT as well) and it is almost like crack in that I check it almost daily to see what her new activities and insights are, or just to find out what is going on in her life. She actually dubbed me as having "Vagabond Shoes" when I worked for her in Franklinton, LA. Telling her I had to leave was a very hard day for me because she had become such a good friend but you know what Frank Sintra says, these Vagabond Shoes are longing to stray! So, though we are far away from our friends and family most of the time, I want this to be a way to keep in touch with you all a little bit more.
Until next time!
I *love* your blog my friend! Thanks so much for sharing it with me. I will be checking it regularly you can be sure. It sounds like your run was spectacular. I know you will continue to enjoy paradise and all it has to offer! I love you (and dave 2!)
Glad you can find a new medium to write. You were always good at that. Proud of your healthy living -- both of you. You are an inspiration!! I look forward to reading more -- and more!! Love that picture of Waikiki at sunrise.
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