
The 45-minute Rainbow

So I counted today and we have nine weeks left in Hawaii. We have two trips planned, one to Maui this weekend with Dave's mom who is coming to spend the weekend with us and another to the little island of Lanai during thanksgiving to camp on one of the world's top ranked beaches. It is run by Castle and Cook resorts so it is pretty shi-shi! Actually, I shouldn't say that as Shi-shi in pidgen mean Pee Pee. Everywhere else in the world it means fancy though so I am still gonna use it!
Anyway, I am going to keep it short today. Dave and I went for our long run on Friday morning. This week was a rest week for me on my training schedule (only 10 miles - ha!). We decided to adventure down Ala Moana blvd, the street we live on that if you follow long enough will take you from Waikiki to the airport. We found little back roads that took us from little oceanfront park to little ocean front park. It was so neat....and yes, to continue our study of the homeless in Hawaii, we found someone passed out next to a grocery cart filled with dog carriers at every park. Ah, feels like home.
Anyway, it was a partly cloudy morning in Honolulu which we love because it almost always means RAINBOWS. Usually we see a rainbow that will last from 2-3 minutes. Well, on this morning, the clouds were rolling in, dropping a little rain, or a polynesian blessing as we refer to it and the same rainbow was kept alive for 45 minutes. At times it went all the way across the sky, sometimes it was double, sometimes a partial, but it never disappeared. We felt it was for our eyes alone as the commuter traffic faces the other way. It seemed as if that rainbow was just for us. It was a truly enjoyable part of the run. One of our favorite moments on the islands.
So, no deep thoughts tonight. Just wanted to share our rainbow with you...hope it adds color to your day. Don't forget to look for them in your life! You never know when your 45 minute rainbow might appear.
Good night all!



That's how many steps my pedometer said I took last Friday on my 19 mile run. In 2.5 months, I have gone from running 4 miles comfortably to running 19, and counting. what's even better is the bald good looking guy who continues to run at my side for most of it. He completed 18 of those miles with me. The human body totally amazes me. The truly amazing part is the control we can have over our bodies versus the control our bodies can have over us. It's all in how you look at it. I think this is demo'd best when we test our bodies to the max. Marathons are gaining in popularity in this country. More and more people are completing them, and not just one. I got asked today again why I chose to do another one. Many of you will remember that after the last one I said no more. But this time I am in a smarter and healthier place. Many believe that marathon training is just running every day but I have taken a more whole-istic approach (nope, not a typo) with weight training, yoga, and yes, even two days of rest a week! I work with several people who ask my why??? Why would you put yourself through it? I don't really choose to answer because those that have to ask it won't get the answer. The answer is because it feels great. To which they would respond how could running 19 miles possibly feel great? What I am too polite to answer but think in my head is "how can sitting on the couch and watching TV be better that mentally and physically pushing your body to be better and more fit?" It is a total high to be able to do something that most feel would be completely impossible for them to do. The irony here is that almost anyone can do this. It is not just for elite athletes anymore. I have followed a formula and training pattern, with the help of my bald sidekick Super Dave. This is not a miracle, it is a result of consistent and committed training, desire, and belief in myself.
A perfect example is the aforementioned sidekick who is now planning to take center stage in his own marathon next year. This is a man who is not only a recent half centaurian but 4 years ago when I met him couldn't run a mile. He was truly dazzling when we finished the Crescent city Classic a year later which is 6.2 miles. Uno, my affectionate name for his one lung was a complete victor then. Now, within a couple of months he can run 3x as far and shows not sign of slowing down.
Together, Dave and I are reading the Success Principles by Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup Guy). He tells the story of a grandmother who was able to lift a car off of her grandson after he became trapped underneath it. When she was later interviewed, she did not want to talk about it, and referred to it as "the event". She was asked one time why she wouldn't talk about it. Was it too traumatizing? No, that's not what it is she replied. I never thought I was strong enough to lift up a car. Imagine what else I haven't been doing in my life because I didn't think I could. This was a turning point for the woman who went to college in her sixties and became a professor of geology. Now, she knows exactly what she can do.
This is a relevant story. Listen to your friends, your family, and most importantly yourself talk. take note whenever you put limits on yourself and say "I can't". Jack Canfield recommends taking the word "can't" completely out of your vocabulary. Pay attention to how many times a day you say it. Not an easy task to remove such a powerful word, but you can do it! Even if it takes 33,101 steps, I know you can do it.


Just blabbing

I usually figure out what I am going to blog about during my long runs. Last friday I ran 17 miles. It took me over 3 hours to do it. And I'll be darned, no real illuminating thoughts came out of that run. I was like Forrest Gump. I just kept running and running. I have my little friend the i-shuffle which is the size of a postage stamp and clips onto my shorts. It holds almost every song I own. I compare this to 4 years ago when I trained for the last marathon. I got one of them brand new MP3 players. It was four times the size of what I have now and held a whopping 12 songs. During a four hour run I could listen to "in da club" by Fifty Cent approximately 52 times. Go Karen, it's your birfday, we gonna party like it's your birfday. Technology is amazing though was my point. And what else is amazing is that I can waste ALL KINDS of time on a BLOG. You can waste time reading it. This is a concept that I never thought of until about two months ago. But I do like to blab (is that what a blog is? A blabbing log?) and make people laugh and wonder.
I plan to be a writer full time. I am not sure if I have ever mentioned that to all of my friends and family before. I want to travel the world, meet a lot of people, and write about it. People are fascinating. I truly believe that everyone has a story. People often hear my story and tell me how amazed they are that I lived through everything. Dave gets the same reaction. The truth is that although I am a truly fascinating person (insert sarcastic tone here) if everyone had the same life and same experiences, the world would be boring. I know we don't want too many of me walking around.
Flip! Change of subject. Jimmy Buffett rules. He is 61 years old and has been performing for over 40 years. What makes him truly an icon is that the man hasn't had a hit in 20years yet you know every one of his songs. He just continues to make millions off of songs from 20-30 years ago. We saw him in concert and it was a lot of fun.
Flip! Dave continues to work hard on his book promotion. He has decided to shift gears a little bit and not just share his story but seek out others who have a positive message and share their stories as well. We want to gain as many positive stories of survival as possible. In speaking with a patient I had for a long time who has cancer, what people really want is encouraging stories. To see how the website has changed and to add your story, visit www.agooddayanyway.com .
Flip! I love this beer. It's called Wailua Wheat and it has passionfruit in it and I will miss it when we leave. I know that until right at this moment, it was not obvious at all that I had been drinking a little!

Okay my friends, if you are out there and reading this, there are all of my thoughts. Surprisingly, it didn't take up as much space as I thought it would.
Until next time......