
Eat, Pray, Love

The above is the title of one of the better books I have ever read. I thought I would blog on it a little tonight. I actually read it about a month ago. I borrowed a copy from my friend at work and when I returned it, I went on and on about it so much that she bought me my own copy. I am glad to own it because it is something you could go back to over and over.
The book is about a woman who takes a spiritual journey for a year after going through a divorce and an even more tumultuous rebound relationship. She becomes depressed and unhappy. She decides to take a year long trip of self exploration. She spends three months in Italy, three in India, and three in Bali. The woman, Liz Gilbert, is a writer and it is an amazing memoir. At first I thought it was going to be wishy washy but it was quite the opposite as she tells her story while educating and enlightening anyone who reads it. This is on of those books that I feel gets invited into your life at just the right time however it means something different for everyone. For me, I enjoyed getting it at this time in my life as Dave and I have done a lot of studying and meditation (very elementary meditation)on the life altering powers of positive thought and power talking. I found myself nodding many times throughout the book thinking, EXACTLY. That is exactly what I am thinking. I can't believe someone else has had this thought yet put it so eloquently.
In Italy, Liz decides to learn about pleasure. Although she remains celibate, she allows herself to eat anything and everything she wants, sleep in, etc. This book will make you want to go to Italy and have pizza, if nothing else.
She then travels to India where she stays at an Ashram. Here she studies devotion. This is where a lot of her deepness comes in along with defining what she feels God is. It is very spiritual but in a practical sense.
After India she returns to Bali to see an old Medicine man she met before during an interview. Here she learns about balance and finds love. Bali is also a place I feel would be amazing to visit.
If anyone else out there has read it, I would be interested to hear your opinion. If you haven't read it, go get a copy and get crackin'!

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